30 Oct 2011

of sunday surprises.

i was pretty delighted to discover the most recent layout i'd created for dan was selected was one of made with love's weekly featured layouts. this was one of my more emotive projects, and i hadn't tried to perfect the designing as much as i'd attempted to ensure the journalling most accurately depicted my deeply felt sentiments over that wonderful evening. nonetheless, i greatly appreciate the generous affirmation :)

thanks a ton, mwl!


  1. Hi Ter!

    I noticed on your blog that your favourite shopping site is Simonsays and i know its a well known site in the States, like Twopeasinabucket. So i'm curious, have you ordered with them b4? Is it considerably cheaper after calculating the shipping cost? I'm afraid to take my first step out on international orders. =/

    Hope you can help. Thank you!

    contact me at madeylim@gmail.com

  2. hey there! :)

    yup i've ordered with simonsays, and so far they've been really reliable! i love their variety of stamps and other products, and the fact that there's a flat shipping rate as compared to scrapyland, which i used to order from. it's definitely cheaper even after including the shipping, unless madewithlove happens to be having a 40% sale, haha! :) i hope this helps!
